About PE

Professional Edge (PE) is a leader in executive training, policy research and business development. PE undertakes executive training in project management, leadership, corporate governance, business and research development. The firm is a trusted advisor to local and national business investors in the private sector and policy-makers in the public sector.

Our expertise and global experience enable us to effectively support our clients address complex organizational problems and successfully shape business strategies to deliver desired results. Our diverse staff has depth of knowledge, breadth of geographical touch and global appeal.

Professional Edge is a positive change agent committed to helping our clients:

  • Create competitive advantage through unique and practical solutions.
  • Provide exceptional opportunities for organizational and personal development
  • Achieve their goals through visionary leaderships and high performance teams


To be a trusted partner for executive training, policy and research development


We support organizations to improve performance through innovative and market-driven training, policy and research development.

Core Values:

  • Professionalism – We keep our word, regard our client with dignity and maintain high level of work ethic and confidentiality!
  • Excellence – We strive to exceed expectations
  • Passion – We love what we do
  • Community – We work with our communities to create positive social change